Move through postpartum with confidence and ease

Discover the practical wisdom, support, and connection you need to
thrive during postpartum and beyond…

You know that motherhood can be beautiful and joyful.

You know that bringing a baby into the world is a big step… one that you don’t take lightly.

You’re excited. You’re nervous. You’re curious. You might even be a little scared of what the journey into motherhood will actually look like.
Pregnancy is such a powerful experience and one that is 
highly celebrated in our culture.
Because of this, new mothers often devote all 
their energy to preparing for the physical act 
of birth and the impending arrival of a new baby.

The birth plan has been perfected, the nursery 
is furnished and decorated and the new 
onesies have been washed and folded.

But the act of becoming a mother is 
often taken for granted… it’s an afterthought.
The truth is that when a baby is born,
A mother is born too.

No change is greater than the transition to motherhood.
Everyone has an opinion on the best way to be a mother.
For many mothers, their newborn baby is the first newborn they’ve ever held. Meanwhile, we face information overload and are constantly bombarded with conflicting opinions about how to mother a newborn, both online and right at home.

It can be hard to know who to trust, let alone learn to trust your own intuition as a mother.

The postpartum period is a “fourth trimester” that comes with its own unique set of challenges.
Most mothers have heard that breastfeeding is challenging at first, but many are surprised at what a steep learning curve it can be for both mother and baby.

Meanwhile, babies cry the most they ever will during much of the fourth trimester. While this is normal, it intensifies the already emotionally charged postpartum experience.

And all too commonly, expecting parents believe that their postpartum life will look just like their old life – except with a baby in tow. This couldn’t be further from the truth!

The supportive community structure of the “village” has all but disappeared.
Humans have always gathered around new mothers to support them during the postpartum journey. This holds true in every traditional culture.

Today it is often mothers alone who must provide a solid foundation for their babies – all while recovering from childbirth, managing sleepless nights, and riding the steep learning curve of caring for a newborn.

Knowing this, most new parents still struggle to build the concentric circles of their village and let in the support they need. It can be difficult to get past the expectations they place on themselves to do it all and be everything to everyone.
Mastering the art of motherhood is simply
a matter of having the right ingredients.
With a basic map and some support, navigating the broken waters of your early months with your baby can be more magical – and a lot less scary.


Postpartum is not just about your recovery – it is about more than just “getting through it”. 
 It is a cocoon-like state of metamorphosis that results in becoming someone altogether new.

While we do need specific knowledge as moms, there are also many key elements that, once learned, allow us to shift our paradigm and access our own inner knowing. Whether we like it or not, it is during this time that our identity shifts. How we experience postpartum matters.

When you can immerse yourself in the wisdom of the practical aspects of motherhood as well as the tools and resources to support your own mental, emotional, and physical needs, you’ll find your flow as a mother.

This is where the magic of motherhood begins. This is where you can begin to thrive.

I'm Julia
I’m a naturopathic doctor who helps pregnant women and new mothers experience a smooth transition to postpartum and motherhood.

I’m also a Mom myself so I understand the deep need for connection, support, and community… especially in the early days of motherhood.
Let me rewind a few years back... Because I had it all planned out during my pregnancy.

I ate all the “right” foods, took all the “right” supplements, and stayed active in order to maintain a healthy pregnancy for myself and my baby.
I researched and prepared for natural labour. And after childbirth, I planned to breastfeed exclusively and to parent through attachment parenting. I was beyond ready!

But after the arrival of my baby, I quickly learned that things don’t always go as planned.

Breastfeeding in the first six weeks after giving birth was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I was still recovering from childbirth and I wasn’t sleeping much.

I was exhausted and overwhelmed. I couldn't make it all work out, and I knew I couldn't do it alone.
I reached out for help but quickly became overwhelmed and confused by the conflicting information presented by friends, family, and even trusted experts.

Over time, my son and I slowly found our way and eventually settled into a rhythm with feeding. But I noticed something interesting in the process.

In the beginning, it was only when I had the relaxing, soothing, supportive presence of another mother around me, that I was able to have a successful feed. There was something to this whole “village” thing.

But soon after the struggle with breastfeeding subsided, the anxieties about sleep started to arise.
Again, there were so many books, experts, opinions, and hacks suggested to me for my baby’s sleep. With every book and every piece of advice, I felt more and more confused about how to raise my own baby.

But something in me told me not to give up. I knew deep down that I was made for this. I was meant to be a mother and I could learn to trust and hone my own intuition.

I dove into the research and began to train in postpartum support and health. And gradually I found I was able to see through the trees and notice the actual forest that new mothers find themselves in.

Over time I discovered the essential ingredients to what I like to call Mama-flow.

A combination of traditional postpartum wisdom, modern scientific knowledge, and a supportive community to walk with you and support you every step of the way.

It’s my mission to share this powerful knowledge and support with all mothers and parents.

Because I know without a doubt that when a mother has the tools and resources, as well as a nurturing community surrounding her, both she and baby can flourish and thrive.

Imagine feeling confident and empowered as you move into motherhood. You’re equipped with the knowledge and support that you need to care for yourself and your baby.

Imagine the feeling of comfort when you are held and supported by a strong-knit community as you navigate the new waters of motherhood.

Imagine the freedom of developing and trusting your own innate wisdom and that of your baby, and forging your unique path as a mother.
The transitional postpartum period can be a beautiful experience. One that is free from...
When you’re equipped with the essential knowledge and support needed to care for yourself and your baby, you’ll be able to cut through the noise, overwhelm, and confusion of parenting advice.

You don’t have to be afraid. You were made for this.
A mother does learn to trust her intuition as she builds her connection with her baby.

As you grow in your experience you’ll feel more confident, prepared, and at ease on your motherhood journey.

You don’t have to go it alone and you were never meant to.

New mothers have always been intensively guided and supported by other women as they give birth to the mother within. Your village is still out there.

Beyond Expecting distills and delivers the keys to a smooth transition through postpartum
and motherhood, also known as Matrescence.

By blending traditional postpartum wisdom with modern scientific knowledge, and a supportive community, you can feel confident and empowered in your postpartum journey.

Here’s what’s Included:
  • Seven Educational Modules, including Audio and Video Recordings, where we’ll cover the practical lessons and tools to help you navigate the new stages of motherhood with confidence.
  • Monthly Group Support and Postpartum Coaching calls with Julia, so you can work through any roadblocks, stay connected face to face and be in the presence of like-minded mothers at various stages of their journey.
  • Postpartum Visualization and Planning Workbook. Reflect, introspect and ground in your self-knowledge and values to create your unique postpartum plan. The Workbook includes:
- Meal Prep and meal train design for postpartum, including action steps in delegating to and enlisting friends and family.

- Oxytocin Boosting self-care plan so you can leverage this hormone in birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, physical recovery, and mental health.

- Reflection Exercises to help you uncover the personal, family, and cultural values you will bring to your parenting – a keystone to supporting your mental health and building your village.

- Planning for Support worksheet to identify where you need help, how to ask for it, and most importantly, how to accept it.

30 Day Guarantee
I care deeply about supporting you in your postpartum journey and I’m confident that Beyond Expecting will deliver all of the tools and resources that you’ll need to thrive during this time. Try it for 30 days. If you’ve completed the workbook and you’re still not completely satisfied, I’ll give you your money back.

Here’s what you’ll learn:
The first 5 people who register will have a copy of the Waterfront Trail guide book mailed to them 
(Valued at $30 +$12.50 for shipping= Total value $42.50).
Module 1: 
Entering the Motherhood Matrix
  • The “fourth trimester” and its impact on parents and baby.
  • How to prevent anxiety, isolation, and depression in your motherhood journey.
  • Core beliefs, societal and cultural assumptions about babies and mothers.
  • ​The reality of infant development and what a developmental perspective offers you.
Module 2: 
The Biology of Trust
  • Trusting your brain: How a mama’s brain changes during postpartum – for the better.
  • ​Trusting your body: Leveraging and elevating the hormone of trust for healing, breastfeeding, and mental health.
  • ​Trusting your baby: Attachment style vs. parenting style. Mama, know thyself.
Module 3: 
 The Baby Steps of Mama Nutrition
  • Vital nutrition for pregnancy.
  • ​Key vitamins and supplements to support late pregnancy, birth and baby.
  • ​Postnatal nutrition roadmap to support recovery, mental health, and breastfeeding.
  • ​Breastfeeding and mama’s diet: truths and myths.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Module 4: 
Crying on Mama’s Shoulder
  • The reality of baby crying patterns: What’s normal, what’s not and why it’s so hard for us to hear this sound.
  • ​Getting to know your baby’s temperament.
  • Coping with crying.​
  • ​Getting creative to soothe your baby.
Module 5: 
 Milking the Wisdom on Breastfeeding
  • Early actions that form a foundation for milk supply.
  • ​Positioning baby and mama for successful feeds.
  • ​Your body on breastfeeding- how breastmilk is created and delivered to your baby.
  • ​How baby’s behavior and biology show you there’s enough milk.
  • ​Mother nurture: keeping the cup full so the milk can flow.
  • ​Problem solving for when things aren’t going as planned.
Module 6: 
Sleep Like a Baby
  • Baby Sleep Science 101 so you can cut through the myths and meet their sleep needs.
  • ​Sleep changes as baby develops – and how you can roll with them.
  • ​Mindset and expectations: avoiding sleep anxiety traps.

Module 7: 
 Building Your Village
  • Why a village becomes so important with the birth of a baby and a mother.
  • ​Tools for creating community at every stage of parenthood.
  • ​How to conceptualize and create a village in modern times.
  • ​Working through our mental and emotional blocks that prevent village building.
  • ​Tapping into your larger vision of the life you’d like to share with baby.
The first 5 people who register will have a copy of the Waterfront Trail guide book mailed to them 
(Valued at $30 +$12.50 for shipping= Total value $42.50).
Natural breastfeeding videos with a “laid back” style

Complimentary access to Nancy Mohrbacher’s Natural Breastfeeding Program including 60 educational videos, 100 images of diverse mothers breastfeeding, and problem-solving tips for a smoother transition into breastfeeding. (a $97 value)

Here's some testimonials.
“ It’s the combination of great information and real-life experience that had a huge impact on me. Julia is a wealth of knowledge and can definitely help moms feel more at ease during their pregnancy and postpartum journey. ”
– Nikki
“ This course was really exciting for me because it focused on the postnatal period and on raising an infant, and I care a lot about that. It doesn’t seem like there’s much out there for prenatal moms on this.

The emphasis on self-care – including postpartum nutrition – and on the development of both baby and mommy over time were important parts of my preparation for this huge life change. ”

– Helaina
“ Something so nice about Julia’s approach is having options but no judgement. You do what works for you and that’s so good to know when there are so many judgements coming with unsolicited advice.

Being a new mom you just feel like “I just want to do this right,” yet there are so many choices! Letting go of that and being open to that little human and what their needs are – I think that is what I need to do. ”

– Hilary
“ The course was unique and extremely helpful.

The journey which it takes an expecting mother on is the best preparation for the challenging reality of postnatal life. Julia sheds light on the most important facets of newfound motherhood with regard to both mother and newborn, giving priceless insight into the ins and outs of everything you need to know, without having to purchase a mountain of parenting books.

I strongly recommend this course as it offers tremendous value – the seamless blend of knowledge and wisdom it offers will extinguish the flames of every new mother’s worrisome questions, as it did for me. ”
– Lila
“ I really enjoyed the course as it provided me with the information about navigating the postpartum period that my other prenatal course didn’t touch on.

My prenatal course and the additional resources I had were all very focused on pregnancy and birth.

The course complemented this information by providing practical advice that I hadn’t realized I would need about sleep, hormonal changes, self-care for moms in the fourth trimester, and much more. And besides filling in all these gaps for me, Flow Mama Flow also addressed the emotional side of being postpartum. I highly recommend it for other moms-to-be!”

Feel connected – to a way of mothering that you trust, and to mentors and supports that resonate with you.

Trust the process, trust your baby, and feel relaxed and peaceful as you enter into the beautiful journey of motherhood.

Preparing for postpartum and building support in this vital period of time, is the foundation for a great experience in the first years with your child.

You can build a strong, unbreakable foundation and discover the keys to thriving during motherhood.

Who is this course for?
This course is for moms who want to optimize their postpartum and breastfeeding experience, their own physical and emotional healing, and get their baby and their newborn mama-self off to the best possible start.

This course is suitable for both pregnant moms, fresh mothers, and all new parents who want to leverage traditional and modern postpartum wisdom.

How much time do I need to commit?
Each module consists of 3 to 5 videos with distinct topics, each 10-30 minutes long. You can watch in order (or listen in the audio-only versions) OR unpack the sections that are calling to you at your stage of the motherhood journey.

While we encourage you to go through the program during pregnancy so you can hit the ground knowledgeable and confident, many new parents find it extremely helpful to digest the portions of the course that are relevant to their current stage of parenting and their baby’s development.

Come back to the course materials whenever you need reminders, reassurance, and reconnection with what’s most important.

I’m pregnant with my first baby and I don’t know if I’ll need this course yet.
As you approach motherhood for the first time, it can be difficult to know what to expect!

However, the one thing that mothers tell me over and over again is that they wish they had more support and preparation for their journey into motherhood.

While every mother’s experience is different, sleep issues, hormonal changes, questions around infant crying, sleep, and breastfeeding are likely to arise.

Beyond Expecting distills all of this valuable information for you in a simple, digestible format so you can spend less time researching and more time connecting with your baby.

What type of support can I expect?
You’ll be invited to Monthly Group Support and Postpartum Coaching calls with me. These will help you navigate any challenges and find direction in how to implement what you’ve learned.

These are for facilitated discussion, connection, and self-expression. There are thousands of mom chat groups, but there’s nothing like connecting face to face in the presence of a compassionate community.

How long will I have access to the modules?
You’ll have lifetime access to the course modules so you can revisit them whenever you need them. 
Why should I invest in this when I have to make so many other purchases right now?
While expectant parents tend to prioritize birth prep and support as well as their budget, most find that somewhere during the fourth trimester, they’ll spend many hundreds of dollars without a second thought to support their breastfeeding, sleep, and healing journeys.

In order to get the amount of guidance and support offered in Beyond Expecting through 1:1 sessions, it would cost over $2500.

But it’s hard to place a dollar amount on the feeling of confidence and connection that the experience of this course creates when it lands in your life at the right time.

What if I’m not satisfied?
I’m confident that Beyond Expecting will deliver all of the tools and resources that you’ll need to thrive during this time. Try it for 30 days. If you’ve completed the workbook and you’re still not completely satisfied, I’ll give you your money back.

You don’t have to go through postpartum alone. You were never meant to.

Discover the wisdom, connection, and support you need to thrive and flourish during postpartum and beyond.

Dr. Julia Segal - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions